Building a Pantry: Getting Ready to Quarantine
Something to think about as you build a pantry is to think about having a dedicated space for some pantry items if someone in your home became sick. This way no one will need to leave the house and you can begin to quarantine. This could include medications and supplies as well as any comfort foods you may want to have on hand. If there are many people where you live who might not be able to discipline themselves from consuming these items it might make sense to put them in a box you can close and set aside. Make sure all members of the house know where this is located.
In my home we have gotten used to working with a modest pantry so we feel like we will be ready if we need to quarantine but we did set aside some items just in case. This is a highly subjective thing since we all crave different things when we aren't well but for us it looks like:
Boxed soup mix
Shelf stable miso (fridge once opened)
Bone broth jar
Egg noodles
Soursop juice
Coconut water